Be there or be square is the only thingI can say about my cousin Judith and Rita´s stand at the Volksgarten Christmas Market in Linz, Upper Austria. They sell the most wonderfully smelling soaps, bath pearls and body butters/creams you could ever dream of, all of them natural and hand-made by a famous company in Vienna and then sent directly to Linz by train, so they have fresh products nearly every day, too. Innit great? Well, I believe it is, and if you don´t want to be square you´d better get there before Christmas. Actually, even on Christmas Eve there´s still time to get your sopas and little presents for valuable AND worthy friends, as they´re open until the early afternoon on the 24th as well... see you there then. See Rita conversing with a beautiful customer, well aware of the need for a good skin - make over (peeling, bath and body butter) - and she´s such a good advisor, too!
Don´t forget to check it out:
Damn, just realised I didn´t take the pic with me to work, will renew this page shortly, then with the pic! (It´s Volker, a good friend, really, she´s selling the products to... ;-))
Tuesday, December 13, 2005
This is my class in AHS solarCity

Hi there, long time no see, time is flowing too fast, can´t keep up with life right now! Anyways, this is my class in my second school - a really nice bunch of ten/eleven year olds, as lively and lovely as they come, as you might say. They´re really funny, every time I am there, there´s a major upheaval about someone getting hit by a ball or water bottles splashing around the gym - cute, they are, and still relatively handy, these boys. The pic shows them doing an running exercise they enjoyed very much - obviously a competition then, right? ;-)
Cheerio, and check out Rita´s stand at the Christkindlmoakt, too.
Tuesday, November 22, 2005
A test for the best! 70ies party in Neustift!!!
Strange feeling, I am actually just having a test at university and yet I am sitting here, checking my page! WLan is really an amazing thing, I have to admit! The students are taking the whole thing very seriously, that´s fantastic, and therefore it´s going great - for
them and for me, too, I think, it seems a manageable test and the whole test is making good progress, so hopefully, it´ll turn out all right. The ball was good fun, by the way, and there´ll be pics on the web soon, I suppose. Also, last weekend, there was the 70ies party in Neustift, organised by my volleyball team back in Neustift! Eric´s costume was the most outstanding one, as ever, one might add, knowing Eric´s indistinguishable fantasy and spirit of the Seventies. But more about that as soon as there are more photos and stuff on the website of the Volley-Springginkerls! ERF

Wednesday, November 09, 2005
Dancing Stars live at the Peuerbach Ball on Saturday!
This Saturday in the Palais Kaufmännischer Verein, there will be the highlight of Linz´ ball season, when tout le monde of fashion and the haute couture of VIPs of the GVP is having a gathering at the ball! Everyone is gonna be there, including lots of teachers and students from other classes than the ones organising the ball! Check out the ball homepage to find out about the details of the festivity! Should be good fun, maybe you wanna come, too? Go get your license to chill and show up!
And now for something completely different! We had a dancing lesson today in school, in order to get ourselves all hyped up and ready for the ball, so I can now positively dance with you - mostly the girls checking this page, hopefully - I can dance the slow waltz and Chachacha, which is one of my favourite dances anyways! Good laugh, real good fun!
Also, check out the picture of my class! They´re such a laughly bunch, there´s only one or two who start a ruckus every now and then - and you wouldn´t believe who it is mainly! There´s one boy. the devil in disguise I can tell you! So sweet and such a "criminal"! They´re really good kids, and I look alright amongst them, don´t I? ;-) ERF
And now for something completely different! We had a dancing lesson today in school, in order to get ourselves all hyped up and ready for the ball, so I can now positively dance with you - mostly the girls checking this page, hopefully - I can dance the slow waltz and Chachacha, which is one of my favourite dances anyways! Good laugh, real good fun!

Thursday, November 03, 2005
Here we go again!
After having dealt with many a dead person in the last couple of days, we´re back at school, a bee hive full of busy little ants doing this and that constantly - not many of them manage to listen to the teachers at the same time, though! ;-) Just joking, it´s not bad at all, looking forward to the next lesson already, when I can see my "own" little buggers again. They´re just so cute! You can find a picture of me and my class here soon, actually, but not right now, as they´re still not online, damn! Anyways, life´s treating me well, my remote co
ntrolled areoplane has been mended by Volker, my flat mate and yesterday´s little accident with my nephew Markus has not harmed him majorly! I let go of his tram and it fell over - he screamed like mad but just because of the shock! Thank god, was well worried for a second! Life´s full of dangerous moments, innit?
The person I´m showing you today is Alex, one of my best friends, who has just gone to France for a year as a French assistant, she´s a French and sports teacher! Great girl, always up for a laugh and very enjoyable company, too! Missing her quite a bit actually, she would have been teaching in Solar City with me... Gotta go!
See ya, wouldn´t wanna be ya!

The person I´m showing you today is Alex, one of my best friends, who has just gone to France for a year as a French assistant, she´s a French and sports teacher! Great girl, always up for a laugh and very enjoyable company, too! Missing her quite a bit actually, she would have been teaching in Solar City with me... Gotta go!
See ya, wouldn´t wanna be ya!
Monday, October 24, 2005
Broken arm in school - still the winners of the last match of the season!!!
Despite a tragic little accident in school Friday afternoon, where one of my boys in the solarCity grammar school broke the radius of his left arm, I still managed to go ahead as planned with my weekend - and we eventually won the last game of the season against Ulrichsberg 2:0 which means we ended the season in second, 6 points ahead of our opponents and 2 behind the leaders! Not bad, and thank god it´s all over, most of us really can do with a break right now, everyone was getting really really tired. But it was another great and intense match and I think we can be quite pleased with our result. Anyways, Armin´s injury is not that bad after all, he´s gonna have a cast for a few weeks and that´s the end of the story. Thank god, it was my first injury in school and I didn´t like it all that much! Talk to you again soon, gotta go - it´s Rita´s final orals tomorrow and she needs my mental assistance desperately! I´ll tell you how it went in a couple of days... ERF
Saturday, October 22, 2005
Final game of the season brings final decision
After having recovered from the tragic loss against Niederwaldkirchen last week we´re facing the team in 5th tomorrow. They are a young side, and hopefully we will be able to beat them with our cleverness and experience... check out the details here the day after tomorrow. It´s 2. Liga NW... apart from that, I was in school today with two of my colleagues and we went on the trampoline. What a laugh, I hadn´t done it for a while but it´s such a ´fantastic sport! I have a couple of videos, don´t think I can put them on here... I´ll try one day! ERF
Wednesday, October 19, 2005
Loss against Niederwaldkirchen: N/O is not top of the pops anymore!!!
Sad result in our last home game, not only do we lose the match but we also lose the top position in the league! Good game, we could have scored a few but had to accept defeat in the end, too good was the opponents defense, too weak our effort to score goals. Nevermind, there´s more to come and eventually, we´ll be showing them who we really are!
Anyways, life goes on and so I´m back at school, giving tests and exercises, and at uni, where my students are becoming more and more insecure about their English! .... They´ll be having a self evaluation tomorrow, so we´ll see how it goes
after that! But look at them, they seem to be having a good time in school, so that´s alright... tbc
Anyways, life goes on and so I´m back at school, giving tests and exercises, and at uni, where my students are becoming more and more insecure about their English! .... They´ll be having a self evaluation tomorrow, so we´ll see how it goes

Friday, October 14, 2005
Title race final show down on Sunday in Neustift!!!
On Sunday, 16th October, we´re play ing our fiercest opponent in footie! the team from Niederwaldkirchen is only one point behind us, having lost one out of 9 games so far, whereas we have drawn the match against St. Stefan, the then leaders of the league.
Although we´ve been on a winning streak and scoring lots of goals there might be some problems we could face in Sunday´s match. Grise Wundsam has got a knee injury, so he´s not sure whether he can play, and some other players are also slightly hurt, including me and my bruised knee from the match against St. Veit a fortnight ago - stay in touch, I´ll tell you about it next week.
The picture is from the match against Arnreit, thanks to Bernhard for sending it to me (was that before or af
ter I did them in with my goal? ;-)) ERF
Although we´ve been on a winning streak and scoring lots of goals there might be some problems we could face in Sunday´s match. Grise Wundsam has got a knee injury, so he´s not sure whether he can play, and some other players are also slightly hurt, including me and my bruised knee from the match against St. Veit a fortnight ago - stay in touch, I´ll tell you about it next week.
The picture is from the match against Arnreit, thanks to Bernhard for sending it to me (was that before or af

Friday, October 07, 2005
My schools
I wanna show you my schools today. As you know - or you mightn´t actually, I work in two schools in Linz, called Georg von Peuerbach Gymnasium and AHS Solar City - they´re both real good fun and teaching is the thing I´m really quite good at, as far as I´ve gathered so far. It´s my first "real" year at school, so there´s many things I have to learn and get used to, but, overall, I have to say it´s darn cool..... well, have a look at them, decide for yourselves and then tell me what you´re thinking... there´ll be more info about school life soon. But now it´s off to the last few lessons before the weekend, which I´m really dying for! See ya!
Tuesday, October 04, 2005
I´m getting into the routine - eventually
After being restless for quite a qhile when school started I have recovered now and seem to be getting there - tomorrow is my last "extra" duty as the head of a class for the time being - the parents´ evening, as we call it in Austria. We meet the parents in school and tell them what we expect of their children and how they have been doing so far. Will be another interesting night at school!
Also, I had my first day at university today, it was great, real good fun, actually, did not feel nervous or anything and got along fine - it´s just that these students really have to learn loads - we need to finish a whole book by the end of the semester! Mmmmh! We´ll see how it goes!
I have to burn a CD with the pics from last weekend´s Kennenlerntage, where we went to Neustift with the kids for two days - great fun, but so exhausting - for the kids as well as the teachers! Pics will be coming soon...
Also, I had my first day at university today, it was great, real good fun, actually, did not feel nervous or anything and got along fine - it´s just that these students really have to learn loads - we need to finish a whole book by the end of the semester! Mmmmh! We´ll see how it goes!
I have to burn a CD with the pics from last weekend´s Kennenlerntage, where we went to Neustift with the kids for two days - great fun, but so exhausting - for the kids as well as the teachers! Pics will be coming soon...
Wednesday, September 21, 2005
David est la!
Today is a good day, as my old mate, David Catot, is finally coming to visit me in Austria! It´s been quite a while since I say him last, so this will by quite exciting!
Check in the future for another pic update!
Check in the future for another pic update!
Sunday, August 07, 2005
Gemeinsamer Scooterausflug bei der Hochzeit von Joachim
Our Trip to the island Lipari surmounted in the scooter tour we did on our last day - we saw a really pretty island with lots of interesting places to go to and enjoyed our time very much - it´s obvious why Dani and Joachim wanted to get married there - find more pics here
Tuesday, July 12, 2005
This is just a small test, I wanted you all to be able to look at Matt ´s blog as well, so as you know how to do this properly...
Cheers, Ernsti
Cheers, Ernsti
Rita Maus
This is Rita, my girl-friend at last weekend´s beach volleyball competition in Neustift! Always smiling, although it didn´t go that well for them - they ended up third of three... Nevermind, she´s a great player! Definitely the best I know!
Oberkappler Meister
And these are the winners: Petronella and me - totally dead but also very happy we got our cups! Petronella could keep it, she has won it for 4 consecutive times already - there´s not too many girl runners in Oberkappel, though!
for more pics:
for more pics:
Die Vier Musketiere at the 2LL
This is a picture of the 4 fastest "Oberkappler" runners of the Zweilaenderlauf 2005! It is such a hard race, you wouldn´t believe it, really! T´was the first time I competed and... I won!
Friday, June 24, 2005
Da Gri!
And this is Christoph, my brother, my nephew´s godfather and a student of "Internationale Beziehungen" - which do, of course, include girls from other countries, hähä. No, it´s "Internationale Entwicklung", really, I know, Gri!
Mathias der Vater
Dearest of friends, father of a beautiful little girl, as far as I know, haven´t seen her yet, I´m afraid! Mathias and Sabine, the "Horn"ies, cheerio!
Da Koal!
Carlos and me got to know each other when I first returned from England and then went again the following summer - he came along, and it all started from there - what a decent friendship! Cheers, mate - and what a sexy outfit!
Josch im Gefecht
Another friend of mine, intimate companion in recent years and soon-to-be-wed all time favourite Italian coast guard Joachim! All the best!
Photos from the wedding will be uploaded naturally!
Photos from the wedding will be uploaded naturally!
Die Sieger sind immer die Gleichen
Today I would like to introduce to you some of my best friends - this group here are my best and most understanding football mates, which were relegated with me this season! Still, the best football players I could imagine myself playing with! Talent, athletism and grace combined with beauty - it´s just outstanding! :-)
Wednesday, June 01, 2005
I would like to introduce you to the "Zweiländerlauf", a running event in my home village of Oberkappel! In the next few weeks and postings, I will tell you more about this special competition leading from Austria to Germany and back again. Also, you can check it out under:
Start des Hauptlaufes
The main event is the pro-competition over 5500 metres. Younger and older "Professionals" and hobby runners from Austria and Germany join to finish the course as fast as possible, never forgetting that, a few years ago, there was a boarder line between the 2 countries they pass through constantly throughout their endeavour. From a cultural and a social point of view, it is an absolutely unique event!
Tuesday, May 31, 2005
the youngens taking it like real men!!!
You can see how happy everyone was after losing against Kollerschlag... yeah, it was good fun, really! Luckily enough, as mentioned before, we have since then improved quite a bit and are ahead of Kollerschlag again - thank goodness! :-)
Check out the details on the official website of our league:
Check out the details on the official website of our league:
Seriously annoyed young man...
... seeking revenge! Man, I was so upset that day, you wouldn´t believe it! We had a really vital football match against our rivals Kollerschlag - if we beat them we´d be ahead of them in the attempt not to become relegated! And you know what, we had the worst ref ever! We got so mad, which is obviously our fault and really bad, but SHE was just so stupid! Pretty woman but no idea about footie at all... well, eventually we did not only lose 3:0 at home but we also lost our coach who got fired after the match. Since then, we´ve won five games in a row! Nice, ey?
Wednesday, May 25, 2005
Braveheart - or is it just Ernsti???
This is just one of the moments where you can see how brave I am - am I not good? ;-) No, seriously, I thought this might help you a little to understand how the day in Ried really was - although this wasn´t really in Ried but at the summer camp I told you about yesterday... E.
Sports seminar in Ried
Today we had our last sports seminar of our teaching education which was rather cool as we went climbing. Well, you can´t really call it climbing as we didn´t really do it on the mountains, but we did some bouldering and then some top rope climbing in a hall, so it was nearly as good as the "real" thing!
Anyways, fun was had by all and in the end, after having had a superb ice cream with a really handsome waiter serving our drinks, I think the only thing left to say is: Thanks a lot Peter Klimo, you´re great!
Anyways, fun was had by all and in the end, after having had a superb ice cream with a really handsome waiter serving our drinks, I think the only thing left to say is: Thanks a lot Peter Klimo, you´re great!
Tuesday, May 24, 2005
Fischer - Ernst Fischer
This is what my job mainly consists of - teaching can be a lot of fun, you see!!! No, seriously, our week in Palfau at the summer camp was an amazing experience - we did some rafting, climbing and a fixed rope route, had a nightly scavenger hunt and, generally, just a really good time!
Friday, April 01, 2005
Ernsti´s second attempt
This is just to make sure how this whole thing works, so I won´t be telling you anything exciting. What is certain, though, is that this whole blog thing is not as simple as I thought it would be, or, rather, the uploading of pictures provides me with a problem hard to bear with my short fuse...
Cheers with ears,
Cheers with ears,
First entry
Hi this is Ernst´s blog; as it is the first time ever I´m doing anything like that on the net, I´m rather excited. My plan is to keep you guys, who know me from some time in the past or maybe get to know me in the future, updated on my life. That is, well, what´s left of it after being trodden on so many times that I cannot even recall when the last nice day has passed! :-)
Nevermind, so make sure you click me every now and then to read up on me and my mates.
Nevermind, so make sure you click me every now and then to read up on me and my mates.
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