Tuesday, October 04, 2005

I´m getting into the routine - eventually

After being restless for quite a qhile when school started I have recovered now and seem to be getting there - tomorrow is my last "extra" duty as the head of a class for the time being - the parents´ evening, as we call it in Austria. We meet the parents in school and tell them what we expect of their children and how they have been doing so far. Will be another interesting night at school!
Also, I had my first day at university today, it was great, real good fun, actually, did not feel nervous or anything and got along fine - it´s just that these students really have to learn loads - we need to finish a whole book by the end of the semester! Mmmmh! We´ll see how it goes!
I have to burn a CD with the pics from last weekend´s Kennenlerntage, where we went to Neustift with the kids for two days - great fun, but so exhausting - for the kids as well as the teachers! Pics will be coming soon...


Anonymous said...

Ist zwar kein Kommentar zum offiziellen Thema, wollte mich aber einfach mal melden und dir die Antwort auf die vor ein paar Wochen gestellte Frage geben: Ja, geht schon. Ungewohnt, aber das ändert sich schön langsam.
Sonst noch "good luck for your blog and the "parents-evening""!

Lg Raphael

Anonymous said...

Hi Raphi, freut mich, dass du dir meine page mal angeschaut hast, wird noch mehr werden!