After having dealt with many a dead person in the last couple of days, we´re back at school, a bee hive full of busy little ants doing this and that constantly - not many of them manage to listen to the teachers at the same time, though! ;-) Just joking, it´s not bad at all, looking forward to the next lesson already, when I can see my "own" little buggers again. They´re just so cute! You can find a picture of me and my class here soon, actually, but not right now, as they´re still not online, damn! Anyways, life´s treating me well, my remote co

ntrolled areoplane has been mended by Volker, my flat mate and yesterday´s little accident with my nephew Markus has not harmed him majorly! I let go of his tram and it fell over - he screamed like mad but just because of the shock! Thank god, was well worried for a second! Life´s full of dangerous moments, innit?
The person I´m showing you today is Alex, one of my best friends, who has just gone to France for a year as a French assistant, she´s a French and sports teacher! Great girl, always up for a laugh and very enjoyable company, too! Missing her quite a bit actually, she would have been teaching in Solar City with me... Gotta go!
See ya, wouldn´t wanna be ya!
Salut Alex,
ce n´est pas de probleme, je reste en ecole a sept heure, comme aujourd´hui, et j´ai beaucoup de temps a ecrire les article pour ma page... pas mal, hein? ;-)
Non, on a eu lecon de danser maintenant, et ils sont fini... je suis vraiment fatigue, mais c´etait vraiment super aussi. Le balle de Georg von Peuerbach Gymnasium est en trois jour, et je dois practiquer danser, je suis une catastrophe!
Bon soir et jusqu´a bien tot, Ernst - bisous!!!
Hallo !
Ich weiss nicht, ob ich Deutsch, Englisch oder französich schreiben soll...
Ich stelle mich vor: ich heisse Céline ich bin franzosin und ich habe in Peuerbach Gymnasium 3 Monate studiert von September bis November 2007. Ich bin auch zur Ball gewesen ^^
Sie waren nicht mein Lehrer, aber ich habe ihnen internet Seite zufällig gefunden und ich habe gedacht "Toll ! Jemand aus Peuerbach Gymnasium!"
Ich glaube, dass Sie sind gerade in Ferien also viel Spass !
Céline aus Frankreich
7 a/b Klasse 2007/08
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