Monday, February 03, 2014

Some more info on the Fischers from Kleinzell

 Fischberger News are a rare insight into our life in Kleinzell, so I hope you guys will find the time to check out the latest ... well, nearly latest pics again this time. 
Anyways, as you can see, there was quite some progress before the winter, the garden was sculpted and the lawn was seeded... the last parts of the exterior were finished... overall it has been a grand 2013...
 Again, my dad was on the forefront constantly and helped whenever he could, and sometimes even, when he couldn´t... on this pic you can see him seeding the bottom bits of the garden area... with Magdalena giving him a hand, of course...
 Thanks to granny Gabi´s help we sometimes even manage to get some time off and the kids enjoy having all the grand parents around a lot... for whatever they do with them... go for walks, read stories to them. play in their little store... good fun!
Well, I will try to provide more info again soon, so far so good.... tomorrow is Rita and my wedding day, so we need to get some rest... goood night, and good luck! 

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