Saturday, September 11, 2010

Happy birthday, Daddy!

Hi everyone, all the many people out there waiting excitedly for the return of Paul, his mom and dad and their pics!
Today I want to show you how Paul, auntie Karin, Rita and me partied wild in the park behind our flat in Linz for my 34th birthday. I am growing old, I know, but it did not feel too bad, to be honest.
After Rita, Paul and I had gone to Feldkirchen for a while to organise something for our not-yet-to-be-built house we returned and found Karin waiting for us with some delicious cakes - so we set up camp outside and had a few coffees, cakes and, in Paul´s case, a little nap out there. It was a lovely afternoon, thank you, Karin!
The pics do not need any explanation I guess. But isn´t that guy cute with the hat?

That´s it from Linz for today, in the next few days I will report about our exciting trip to the zoo in Walding with the nephews a couple of days ago, so stay tuned,
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Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Ernesto,
best wishes for you from my temporary home Cincinnati!
You are still (even though you are old now;-) a great guy with a greater family and the greatest son ... CU Eric

Ernst Fischer said...

Hi Eric, thanks a lot for the flowers! ;-)
Yeah, we are quite a blessed family right now, groovy stuff around here... looking forward to seeing you again some time soon, what are you doing in Cincinnati? The States? Impressed... E.

Anonymous said...

Servus Ernst!

Alles gutes zum Geburtstag! Es tut mir leid dass ich es dir so spaet wuensche, ich habe eigentlich keine Entschuldigung dafür, sondern nur dass wir Ende August noch in Vietnam waren... Und danach mit dem Wideranfang bei der Arbeit...

Also freuen wir uns sehr dass ihr dein Geburtstag richtig gefeiert habt! Paul sieht schon wie ein echter "Party animal" (wie sein Vater?!) aus! ;o)

Ich hoffe dass alles gut bei der Fischberger Familie geht!

