Saturday, April 17, 2010

I am back!

Hello everybody... well, the people who still go online to check my blog every now and then... remember me?

I just wanted to say Hi - I am still alive and kicking (mostly on Sundays, see links for football) and have a lot of information for you guys - but no time today to get it across today.

But, as I will be back from my winter sports week the next Saturday, I will then start posting on my blog a lot more again - it´s a shame I never did in the last year!

So, talk to you soon, folks, hopefully you´re still there!

Ernsti Fischer


Anonymous said...

soll uns der Elefant was sagen?
Bussis DoFiSta

Ernst Fischer said...

Well, just that it´s going to be a lot for me to remember all the things that happened during the last year! :-)