.... sorry for not having been very active on this account for the last half year, folks,.... or, actually, whoever is out there.
I've just finished the school year and needed to relax and fill up the engines for a while before the new stuff ahead is kicking in... Rita and I are moving to a different place here in Linz, so we're organising things like a new kitchen, a new rentee for our old flat, a moving van, and so on, and so forth... quite a few things, really.
And in a week and a half I will be leaving Austria again for a while to go to England and do my course at www.benenden.at again... Looking forward to that actually, that'll be good again... and I do not have to worry about putting up stuff in the new appartment or about cooking without a kitchen or about... about nothing really, so that´s magnifique!
The picture I'm showing you today is from my Matura... A-Level exams, as others might call it... it shows the group of people who I taught for the last 4 years... they were my first group of students of English and I daresay they all did a great job and I feel they actually learnt something... and I do not mean just for the finals, in general is what I meant...
Here they are with their teachers (can you spot me?):
Also, die eine Lehrerin: Ich sag nur "basic instinct"! Und der Brummbär hinten rechts will wohl auch lieber nicht mit seinen Schülern gesehen werden...
Überhaupt: Da sind ja viel mehr Lehrer als Schüler drauf!
cu Kleiner
Bussis die Grosse
Hi Dortsch, des stimmt, owa dews wichtige is / mia homm de matura scho ghobt zu dem zeitpunkt! und es gibt sicher mehr leit des scho hom, ois wia de, des jeds gmocht homm!
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