sorry I have been absent again for such a long time, but there have been so many things happening in our lives that it´s just been to much to actually go online and put something on the blog... but, a couple of days before our house is actually becoming a physical reality I want to give you a short update:
1) Magdalena and Paul are doing very well... both of them are growing quickly, Paul has become a "boy", actually, can express himself quite clearly and accurately and is a real laugh. He loves his sister very much, Magdalena is near enough 5!!! months old already, a real charm and all smiles most of the time. She sometimes gives us a hard time when she´s tired and doen´t want to go to sleep... only her mum knows how to deal with these situations, daddy is completely useless. Makes it difficult in the evenings sometimes.
Here are some pics:
Checking what Rita is cooking...
Having a laugh, aah, a bath...
2) Building our house has taken up so much time, it really is unbelievable - but it is mind-bogglingly rewarding to be a part of the team that creates such an important feature of a family´s life... It puts a lot of stress on Rita and me to organise both parental and house duties so that we still find time to do things together like going to the zoo or ... well, we aren´t doing much right now, to be honest, except for either going to Kleinzell and work there or staying at home in Linz and relaxing for a few hours...
On Tuesday, the main part of our house is due and then it will be chaos... I have organised all the companies to do their work throughout the next month or so, so it´ll be madness. So much looking forward to it! We all are! Here are some pics of the first part of the building process, which started in April:
Rita and Magdalena a few days before we dug out the foundations
The canal system underneath the house´s founations
Colleagues supporting me at my adventure
The cellar and foundations are paved, the rest will be made of wood. Very cool!
Sweety and Arthur on the cleaning day after cement works
The boss - Gerald Weidinger
The day before the cellar´s ceiling was paved
What a view - it´s worth working for!
Parts of our house in the production halls
The foundations for the porch and...
... the entrance area
3) Finally, a couple of weeks ago, there was Magdalena´s first BIG DAY - she was baptised on July 1; she was such a brave little girl and managed to get through the whole service without any crying at all... Pauli was different, though, as he asked after something like 5 minutes, when it´d be over... ;-)
Sandra, Rita´s cousin, is Maxi´s god mother and everyone there had a really good time. Here some pics:
Dominik and Doris
Dad reading
Karin, Lukas, Christoph and Markus |
Holy Magdalena! |
Ernsti F.