This is a post in which I want to tell you about a great three days we spent at Hochficht, a small but lovely skiing resort quite close to where I live. We went there with a year six group, a groovy and very enthusiastic bunch of students and did some marvellous skiing/snowboarding as well many other things like a torch walk or a games night - good fun, really. The pics show us playing two games - the first one is the "Moose Game", which is actually an English drinking game. One person is the mousse and has to have antlers, the people sitting next to him/her have to lift the closer hand and make antlers as well.

The second pic shows my two colleagues, Herwig and Karin, after a pretty funny game they´d played with the Bavarian group staying at the same hostel - fun people, wow. Cheerio Peinty, is all I can say!

The third pic shows me telling one of our snowboarding beginners how to get into the right position... they were amazing and really talented, managed to get going after the first day - very impressive!
so there you go, this is what an average school day looks like for me - isn´t that nice?! :-)